Account: CanEmbCZ Mention or Retweet: Mention Account Mentioned/Retweeted: karinagould Time: Fri Jun 11 12:15:12 2021 Text: The Intl. Donors’ Conference in Solidarity with 🇻🇪 Refugees and Migrants is approaching! 🇨🇦 Minister for Intl. Development @karinagould will be joined by global partners, including 🇨🇿 DM Kohout, in the effort to improve the lives of 🇻🇪 refugees & migrants @CzechMFA @mzvcr Link to Tweet: ---------- Account: VelKanCZ Mention or Retweet: Mention Account Mentioned/Retweeted: karinagould Time: Fri Jun 11 12:15:12 2021 Text: Mezinárodní dárcovská konference k projevu solidarity s 🇻🇪 uprchlíky a migranty se blíží! Ke 🇨🇦 ministryni pro mzn. rozvoj @karinagould se připojí řada světových partnerů, včetně CZ náměstka @mzvcr Jana Kohouta. Společně se pokusí zlepšit život 🇻🇪 uprchlíků a migrantů. Link to Tweet: ---------- Account: Canada2EU Mention or Retweet: Retweet Account Mentioned/Retweeted: mary_ng Time: Fri Jun 11 18:39:04 2021 Text: RT @LivePOLITICO: We’re delighted to welcome @mary_ng, minister of small business, export promotion and international trade, Canada, for an… Link to Tweet: ----------